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December Writers Meet Up | The Goldfish Bowl

Join The Goldfish Bowl, a community and a magazine for their monthly writers meet ups!

"We are The Goldfish Bowl! Our name came about during our first-ever meeting when one of our close friends made a drunken joke about us all just being goldfish in a bowl with life tapping on the glass (as far as we can remember)! We are a lit magazine, publishing poetry, prose, essays, and bespoke ideas. We are a home for the strange, the erotic, the erratic, the devastating, the desperate, the ethereal, the fool, the questioning, the lover, and the loved. We are also a community of queer writers in Leeds, hosting monthly writer’s meet-ups to share work, chat, and enjoy each other’s company"

Check out their website HERE OR Give them a follow on socials HERE

These meet ups are free to join, no need to book a ticket either - just turn up to the event! Our Cafe Bar will be open throughout the evening for refreshments and light snacks.

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